Top 25 Customer Service Training Videos to Upgrade Your Skills

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Top 25 Customer Service Training Videos to Upgrade Your Skills

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When it comes to customer service training, video is one of the best mediums for learning. It can be engaging and fun, while still providing important information that employees need to know. In this blog post, we will discuss 25 customer service training videos that are perfect for your next training session. These videos cover a range of topics, from dealing with difficult customers to providing great customer service. And some of them are just plain entertaining to focus (or re-focus) your learners. Watch them now and learn how to provide the best customer service possible!

What makes good and bad customer service videos?

Before we introduce you to the videos, let’s talk about what makes customer service videos great (or not so great). Customer service videos should be:

  • Engaging: Customer service is a people business, and that means your training video should be engaging. It should tell a story or provide examples that help employees understand the customer’s perspective.
  • Relevant: Customer service training videos should be relevant to your company and your employees. They should cover the topics that are most important to your customer service team.
  • Entertaining: Customer service training videos don’t have to be all business. In fact, they shouldn’t be! A little bit of humor can go a long way in keeping employees engaged and motivated.
  • Helpful: Above all, customer service training videos should be helpful. They should provide employees with the information and skills they need to be successful in their customer service roles.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at 25 customer service training videos that meet those criteria.


Free customer service training videos

There are many customer service training videos available for free on the internet. One of the best places to find these videos is on YouTube. Check out our pick for the top 5 customer service training channels on YouTube:

  1. Allison
  2. CustomersFirst Academy
  3. Canity
  4. ServiceSkills eLearning
  5. David Brownlee


Allison is a YouTube channel that provides education on a variety of topics, including customer service training videos. The channel offers a certificate at the completion of each course. While some training is on YouTube, most is found on their main website.

CustomersFirst Academy

The CustomersFirst Academy is a leading expert in customer service training. They have a YouTube channel that provides customer service training videos for free. The channel has over 25 videos that cover topics such as customer satisfaction, conflict resolution, and body language. Once you cover the basics in these free customer service training videos, you can move on to the Academy’s other customer service courses that are available for purchase.


Canity is a customer service training company that offers both free and paid customer service training videos. They specialize in “bite-sized” videos that are easy to digest and understand.

ServiceSkills eLearning

This YouTube channel has a variety of customer service training videos, including customer service role-plays. The channel is run by Nikita, who manages a Customer Care center.

David Brownlee

David Brownlee is a customer service expert who offers free customer service tips on his YouTube channel. His channel includes customer service training videos as well as interviews with customer service professionals.

By watching customer service training videos, you can learn the basics of customer service and how to provide excellent customer service. These channels will give you the skills you need to take your customer service career to the next level.

Inspiring customer service videos

At the beginning of a customer service training program, it can be helpful to offer some inspiration and start the day off on a positive note. Customer service videos are a great way to do this.

There are customer service videos available on a variety of topics, including how customer service has made an impact, customer service in action, and customer service tips.

Some customer service videos are more light-hearted, while others offer a more serious look at the customer service industry. No matter what type of customer service video you’re looking for, there are plenty of options available.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 inspirational customer service training videos. These customer service videos cover a range of topics and can be used to train new customer service agents or to provide a refresher for experienced customer service professionals.

1. How to Inspire Great Customer Experiences

This video features Simon Sinek offering tips on how customer service agents can inspire great customer experiences. He uses a personal experience to illustrate his point and offers advice that customer service agents can use in their own lives.

Sinek’s talk is inspiring and provides customer service agents with the motivation they need to deliver great customer service. He emphasizes the importance of customer service and how it can make a difference in someone’s life.

This video is a great choice for customer service training programs because it offers an inspirational look at customer service and its importance. It’s also a good choice for customer service agents who need a reminder of why they do what they do.

If you’re looking for an inspirational customer service video, this is a great option.

Find the video here.

Length: 2 minutes

2. Poor vs. Great Customer Service

This video offers two role-played examples of customer service, one good and one bad. It highlights the importance of customer service and how it can make a difference in someone’s experience.

Providing this contrast is a great way to kick off customer service training and get employees thinking about the little things that can make a big difference. Customer service is often about the small details, so this video is a great way to set the tone for your customer service training.

Find the video here.

Length: 2 minutes


3. Customer Experience Matters (Temkin Group Video)

This video from the Temkin Group offers a customer service training video that discusses statistics and trends seen in customer experience. In this way, it highlights the importance of customer service.

The video is a great choice for customer service training because it offers a look at the customer service landscape and how customer service is changing. It’s also a good choice for customer service agents who are interested in staying up-to-date on customer service trends.

Find the video here.

Length: 2 minutes

4. Lemonade: A Customer Service Story

This customer service video tells the story of a customer service agent who goes above and beyond to help a customer. The catch? It’s a young girl with a lemonade stand.

The video is a great customer service training video because it highlights the importance of customer service and how even the smallest act of customer service can make a difference in your sales. It’s an inspirational way to remind employees that they are making a big difference in the company.

Find the video here.

Length: 3 minutes

5. I Was Seduced By Exceptional Customer Service

This video is a TEDx presentation given by John Boccuzzi, Jr. In it, he discusses his experience with customer service and how exceptional customer service seduced him.

Boccuzzi’s talk is a great customer service training video because it offers a personal look at how customer service can change someone’s perspective. It’s also a great video for training employees on the importance of providing exceptional customer service.

After watching this video, your team will be motivated to provide the best customer service possible. They’ll also understand the impact that customer service can have on a customer’s experience.

Find the video here.

Length: 3 minutes

Funny customer service training videos

Looking to kick things off with a little customer service humor? Check out this list of the top 5 funny customer service training videos:

  1. Bad Customer Service Montage
  2. Cleveland, Ohio Training Video – Poor Customer Service Satire
  3. Service & Operational Excellence
  4. Meet the guy responsible for Chick-fil-A’s customer service
  5. Give ‘Em the Pickle by Bob Farrell – Customer Service Training

These videos will add a little professional humor to your customer service training while still getting the important points across to your employees. After all, customer service can be a tough job, and a little laughter can go a long way in making training more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Customer service training videos for hospitality

Hospitality is a unique customer service experience. There are many customer service training videos available to help your team provide the best hospitality experience possible.

Here is our list of the top 5 customer service training videos for hospitality:

  1. How to Grow a Positive Customer Service Mindset
  2. Improving Internal Customer Service Training
  3. The Right Words at the Right Time – Customer Service Recovery for Hospitality Industry
  4. Ritz Carlton Customer Service Tips
  5. Dealing with Angry Customers: Customer Service Training Videos

By including some of these videos in your customer service training, you can provide your team with the tools they need to provide outstanding customer service. By providing excellent customer service, you can create repeat customers and grow your business.

Customer service training videos for call center

For anyone working in a call center, you know there are unique challenges when providing customer service over the phone. You can’t rely on body language or visual cues, so it’s important to use your voice and words to build rapport and create a positive customer service experience.

There are plenty of customer service training videos available online, but we’ve compiled the top 5 customer service videos for call center agents. These videos cover a range of topics, from active listening to customer service recovery.

  1. Active Listening Skills: Customer Service Training Videos
  2. Why Customers Get Upset With Customer Service Representatives
  3. Bad Habits That Harm Your Customer Service
  4. How to Acknowledge Customer Emotions
  5. Customer Service Skills – Video Training Course

These videos cover topics that are essential for call center customer service agents.

Looking for more?

If you’re looking to improve your customer service skills or want to provide training for your team, these customer service videos are a great place to start.

CustomersFirst Academy also has a free customer service training course available on our YouTube channel. Check it out here.

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