25 Testimonial Questions to Ask Your Customers

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25 Testimonial Questions to Ask Your Customers

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Have you ever wondered how to get the best testimonials from your customers?

If so, then this article is for you. We’ve put together 25 testimonial questions that will help you get outstanding feedback from your customers. These are all tried and tested questions that successful businesses use to get positive customer feedback. These questions work well because they encourage people to think about their experiences. They give them a chance to reflect on what happened before sharing their thoughts. This helps ensure that your customers say something meaningful instead of just saying, “it was great!” or “they were awesome!”

The more specific someone can be, the better it is for your business. These testimonials provide more information for potential customers to read through and learn from. So if you want to know how to get impactful testimonials from your customers, keep reading…we have 25 questions right here for you!

What is the purpose of a testimonial?

Do you know how testimonials can help your business? Testimonials are a great way to promote and sell your products, and customer testimonials in particular help give people confidence in your company.

What is a client testimonial? A testimonial is a personal story from someone who has successfully used your product or service. Good testimonials will be detailed with lots of information, such as what a customer expected from the product, what actually happened during their experience, and if they were happy with what they received.

Customer testimonials should also be presented to connect with the reader and speak to them on a personal level. Getting customer feedback can seem tricky, but asking the right testimonial questions is a great way to get impressive responses from your customers!

How do you ask for a testimonial?

Tip #1

One of the best testimonial techniques is to ask for testimonials while customers are still thrilled with their experience and happy with your product or service. This is because testimonials are based on the customers’ memories, so their responses will be more detailed and genuine if written shortly after a positive experience.

If you know a customer is satisfied with your business, they’ll be more likely to help you out with a testimonial. This means you won’t have to work as hard to get it!

Tip #2

When asking for testimonials, make sure you ask open-ended questions like the examples listed below and avoid closed-ended questions that result in “yes” or “no” answers.

For example: “What did you enjoy most about using our product or service?”. This open-ended question gives the customer lots of freedom to share their thoughts and experiences with you. Closed-ended questions will only result in “yes” or “no” answers. For example: “Do you think our product is good?” A response to this type of question won’t be very helpful or informative.

Tip #3

A great testimonial should always contain information about who the customer is (their name, job title, etc. relevant information), what they expected from the product or service, what happened during their experience with you, and if they were happy with what they received.

It should also be honest and reflect the customers’ actual thoughts. The testimonial shouldn’t sound too much like a sales pitch; otherwise, it will look fake to potential customers!


Video testimonial questions

Video is an excellent format for customer testimonials because it allows your customer to show their personality and connect with the viewer. When potential clients watch a testimonial video, they can see the customer’s body language and facial expressions, which helps to build trust. This is why testimonial videos are so popular today!

For video testimonials, ask open-ended questions that give the customer freedom to share their thoughts and ideas about your business or product/service. You can easily share video testimonials on social media, your website, or as an email attachment, which makes them great marketing material.

In-person testimonial questions

In-person interviews are excellent for giving your testimonials a personal touch. When you meet with customers, they’ll be more likely to share their stories and experiences because you’re interacting face-to-face! You can record their responses on video, audio, or take notes.

For testimonials from in-person meetings, try using questions that allow customers to share their complete experience with your business. This gives them a lot of freedom to express themselves and provide as much detail as they want on their experiences working with you!

Phone testimonial questions

Just like in-person testimonial meetings, you need to give your customers enough time on the phone to share their thoughts about working with you. Phone testimonials allow customers to share their experience from start to finish! You can record or write down the customer’s response, depending on what they prefer. Try to keep your interaction natural, so it feels more like a simple conversation than a formal interview.

Asking testimonial questions via email

You can ask email testimonial questions by sending out surveys over email where your customers can respond in their own time. Testimonial survey questions can be included in the body of the email or as a link to an online form.

If you’re asking for testimonials over email, make sure your questions are short and straight to the point! Don’t forget to include testimonial writing tips as well as a deadline for when you’d like the testimonials by. This will let your customers know just how much time they have to give their testimonial, and it helps them organize their thoughts.

How do you write a testimonial question?

Think about open-ended testimonial questions that encourage customers to expand on what they’re saying and to include as many details as possible.

Use simple language that is easy to understand. Good testimonial questions are engaging but not too wordy. Choose questions that will resonate with your customers and encourage them to share their thoughts about your business.

If you notice your testimonials are weak, ask for more feedback from your customers, so you have more material to work with. Satisfied customers are usually happy to help, so don’t be shy about asking for their feedback!

Luckily, you don’t need to worry about coming up with good testimonial questions! To help you save time, we compiled a list of 25 creative testimonial questions you can use to collect customer testimonials! Pick the ones that work best for your needs from the list below.


25 Testimonial Questions to Ask Your Customers

  1. How did our product or service solve a problem you were facing, and how long have they been experiencing that issue before purchasing this product?
  2. What other alternatives did you try out before deciding on our product/service?
  3. What would you say to someone who was on the fence about purchasing this product/service?
  4. How can others achieve similar results by using this product/service as well?
  5. How would you rate the value of this product/service in relation to its price?
  6. What made you choose us over other companies offering similar products or services?
  7. Would you recommend our service/product to others who are dealing with the same problem, and why?
  8. What was the result of using our product/service?
  9. How do they feel about your experience with our business or customer service team?
  10. What do you like about our product/service?
  11. Do you think this product/service will improve your daily life, and why?
  12. Who do you think might benefit from using this product or service? Why them specifically?
  13. What made you decide to purchase this product/service?
  14. What is your favorite part about this product/service?
  15. How has the product or service helped improve your life (or business)?
  16. What is the most important thing you’ve learned about our product or service since using it?
  17. What was your first impression of our product/service?
  18. How long did it take for you to start seeing results/improvement in (insert problem)?
  19. When you read testimonials before choosing to buy from us, what are the main points that stood out for you?
  20. How likely are you to refer our company/product out to your peers or others? Why?
  21. How did this experience compare to other experiences you’ve had with companies offering a similar product or service (if any)?
  22. Do you have any helpful tips for others who are considering purchasing our products/services?
  23. What are some words that come to mind when thinking about our products/services?
  24. What are your thoughts about the customer service experience with us?
  25. Why is now the right time for someone else to invest in this product/service, and what will they gain from it?

Now that you have a list of testimonial questions to use, it’s time to start asking your customers for the feedback! Remember to thank them for taking the time to help you out. Not only will you boost your business reputation, but your customers will appreciate the recognition they receive for sharing their thoughts. Plus, getting genuine reviews is entirely free! It’s a win-win for everyone!

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