Customer Success KPIs: Measuring the Metrics that Matter

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Customer Success KPIs: Measuring the Metrics that Matter

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Customer success is a crucial aspect of any business that aims to grow and succeed. It involves ensuring that customers are satisfied with the product or service they receive and that they continue to use it. Customer success metrics, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs), are used to measure the success of a business’s customer success efforts.

There are several customer success KPIs that businesses can track to measure their success. These include net promoter score, customer lifetime value, customer acquisition cost, churn rate, customer satisfaction score, customer retention rate, monthly recurring revenue, average time on a platform, first contact resolution rate, free trial conversion rate, repeat purchase rate, and customer effort score. Each of these metrics provides valuable insights into the success of a business’s customer success efforts and can help identify areas for improvement.

Why Customer Success KPIs Matter

The Importance of Success Metrics

Customer success KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are essential for businesses that want to achieve growth and success. These metrics allow companies to measure the success of their customer service and support staff through the efficiency of their work and the satisfaction of their customers. By tracking customer success metrics, businesses can identify areas where they need to improve and make data-driven decisions to improve their customer experience.

The Impact on Retention and Revenue

Customer success metrics have a direct impact on customer retention and revenue. By measuring metrics such as customer lifetime value, churn rate, customer satisfaction score, monthly recurring revenue, and customer churn rate, businesses can identify areas where they need to improve their customer experience. For example, a high churn rate may indicate that customers are not satisfied with the product or service and are leaving to find a better alternative. By addressing the root cause of the churn, businesses can improve retention rates and increase revenue.

Customer success metrics also provide valuable insights into the value of each customer. By measuring metrics such as customer lifetime value, businesses can determine the total revenue that they can expect a single customer to generate over the course of their relationship with the company. This information can be used to identify high-value customers and prioritize their needs, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Examples of Customer Success KPIs

Here are some common customer success KPIs that businesses track:

  • Customer lifetime value: The total revenue that a customer is expected to generate over the course of their relationship with the company.
  • Churn rate: The percentage of customers who stop using the product or service within a given period of time.
  • Customer satisfaction score: A measure of how satisfied customers are with the product or service.
  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): The amount of revenue that a company generates from its customers on a monthly basis.
  • Customer churn rate: The rate at which customers are leaving the company.
  • First contact resolution rate: The percentage of customer issues that are resolved on the first contact.
  • Free trial conversion rate: The percentage of customers who convert from a free trial to a paid subscription.
  • Customer effort score: A measure of how easy it is for customers to interact with the company.

By tracking these metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights into the success of their customer service and support efforts. These insights can be used to make data-driven decisions that improve the customer experience, increase retention rates, and drive revenue growth.

Key Customer Success KPIs

Customer Success is a vital aspect of any business, and measuring it through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial for its success. Here are some of the most important KPIs that businesses must track to ensure their customer success strategy is on track.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction with a business. It is calculated by asking customers a single question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?” Customers who respond with 9 or 10 are promoters, 7 or 8 are passives, and 0-6 are detractors. The NPS is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

NPS is a powerful tool that helps businesses understand customer loyalty and how likely they are to refer their friends or colleagues. It is a reliable indicator of customer satisfaction and is used by many businesses to improve their customer experience.

Customer Health Score

Customer Health Score (CHS) is a KPI that measures the overall health of a customer account. It takes into account various factors such as engagement, product usage, and customer sentiment. CHS helps businesses identify customers who are at risk of churning and take proactive measures to retain them.

CHS is calculated by assigning a score to each customer based on their engagement and product usage. Businesses can use this score to segment their customers and focus their resources on retaining high-value customers.

First Contact Resolution Rate

First Contact Resolution Rate (FCR) is a KPI that measures the percentage of customer issues that are resolved in the first interaction with customer support. It is an essential metric for businesses that want to improve their customer experience and reduce customer churn.

FCR is calculated by dividing the number of issues resolved in the first interaction by the total number of issues reported. A high FCR indicates that businesses have efficient and effective customer support processes in place.

Customer Effort Score

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a KPI that measures how easy it is for customers to interact with a business. It is calculated by asking customers how easy it was to resolve their issue on a scale of 1-5. Businesses can use CES to identify areas where they can simplify their customer experience and reduce customer effort.

CES is a reliable indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers who find it easy to interact with a business are more likely to remain loyal and recommend it to others.

In conclusion, tracking these key customer success KPIs can help businesses improve their customer experience, reduce churn, and increase customer loyalty. By focusing on these metrics, businesses can identify areas where they need to improve and take proactive measures to retain their customers.

Measuring Customer Success KPIs

Measuring customer success KPIs is crucial for businesses to understand how well they are performing in terms of customer satisfaction and retention. By tracking the right metrics, companies can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance their customer experience.

Data Sources

To measure customer success KPIs, companies need access to relevant data sources. This includes customer feedback, usage data, and financial data. Customer feedback can be collected through surveys, reviews, and support tickets. Usage data can be obtained through product analytics tools that track user behavior and engagement. Financial data can be accessed through accounting software or payment processors.


There are several tools available to help companies measure customer success KPIs. These tools range from simple survey tools to comprehensive customer success platforms. Some popular tools include:

  • SurveyMonkey: A simple survey tool that allows businesses to collect customer feedback.
  • Mixpanel: A product analytics tool that tracks user behavior and engagement.
  • HubSpot Service Hub: A customer success platform that includes ticketing, knowledge base, and customer feedback tools.
  • Salesforce Service Cloud: A comprehensive customer success platform that includes ticketing, knowledge base, and analytics tools.


To get a complete picture of customer success, companies need to integrate their data sources and tools. This allows them to analyze data from multiple sources and get a more complete view of the customer journey. Some popular integrations include:

  • Salesforce and Mixpanel: Integrating Salesforce Service Cloud with Mixpanel allows businesses to track customer behavior across all touchpoints and analyze the impact of support on customer engagement.
  • HubSpot and SurveyMonkey: Integrating HubSpot Service Hub with SurveyMonkey allows businesses to collect customer feedback and track it in their support system.
  • Stripe and QuickBooks: Integrating Stripe with QuickBooks allows businesses to track financial data and analyze customer behavior based on payment history.

Automated Measurement

To make the process of measuring customer success KPIs more efficient, companies can use automation. This includes setting up automated surveys, alerts, and reports. For example, businesses can set up a survey to be sent to customers after a support ticket is closed. They can also set up alerts to notify them when a customer has churned or is at risk of churning. Automated reports can be generated to provide regular updates on customer success KPIs.

In conclusion, measuring customer success KPIs is essential for businesses to understand how well they are performing in terms of customer satisfaction and retention. By using the right data sources, tools, integrations, and automation, companies can get a complete picture of customer success and make data-driven decisions to improve their customer experience.

Using Customer Success KPIs

Customer Success KPIs are essential metrics that help businesses track the performance of their customer success department. By measuring these metrics, businesses can identify areas of improvement, set goals and targets, and take actionable steps to improve customer acquisition and retention.

Goals and Targets

To effectively use Customer Success KPIs, businesses must first identify their goals and targets. Goals and targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, a SaaS customer success department may set a goal to reduce customer churn rate by 10% within the next quarter.

Insights and Actionable Data

Customer Success KPIs provide businesses with valuable insights and actionable data. By analyzing these metrics, businesses can identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, preferences, and needs. For example, by analyzing NPS survey responses, businesses can identify customers who are at risk of churning and take proactive steps to retain them.

Customer Acquisition and Retention

Customer acquisition and retention are critical to the success of any business. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Customer Retention Rate (CRR) are two important Customer Success KPIs that businesses should track. CAC measures the cost of acquiring a new customer, while CRR measures the percentage of customers that a business retains over a given period.

Subscription businesses can use Average Revenue per User (ARPU) and Average Revenue per Customer (ARPC) to track the revenue generated by each customer. By tracking these metrics, businesses can identify opportunities for upsell and cross-sell.

Free Trial Conversion Rate and Purchase Frequency Rate are two other important Customer Success KPIs that businesses should track. Free Trial Conversion Rate measures the percentage of customers who convert from a free trial to a paid subscription, while Purchase Frequency Rate measures the frequency at which customers make purchases.

Qualitative customer feedback is also an essential component of Customer Success KPIs. By collecting and analyzing survey responses and other forms of qualitative feedback, businesses can identify areas of improvement and take actionable steps to improve customer satisfaction.

American Customer Satisfaction Index

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is another important Customer Success KPI that businesses can use to measure customer satisfaction. ACSI measures customer satisfaction on a scale of 0-100 and is based on customer surveys.

In conclusion, businesses that effectively use Customer Success KPIs can improve customer acquisition and retention, increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. By setting specific goals and targets, analyzing insights and actionable data, and tracking key metrics, businesses can take proactive steps to improve their customer success department.

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